Jasmin's Theorem

New York 2025

From our relatively short and objectively quite cold trip to New York in early January 2025. All taken on Fuji Superia 400 using a Canon AE-1 and the default 50mm lens.

Pictures taken by Matthew are credited ~M.




Our first views of Manhattan from the Staten Island Ferry. ~M.

Famous view of the Manhattan bridge. ~M.

On the Brooklyn Bridge. ~M.


Saw a cool bird and squirrels in Central Park.

They don't advertise like this no more. ~M.

How this turned out sharp, I do not know. Some darker pictures got this beautiful green hue. ~M.

We had our first Miller High Lifes (Lives?) on tap here. ~M.

Inside some old trains at the old train museum. ~M.

We had our second Miller High Lifes on tap here.

The superway.

Possibly our most expensive film pictures to this day. ~M.

One of our last views of Manhatten from Long Island City. ~M.

Whatever compelled you to look at all these, I hope you enjoyed it!